Fire Salamanders For Sale - Central France Locality
Easy-to-keep amphibian that are a beautiful display animal.
Photos taken June 2024
Currently available off-site, please order online or message to arrange viewing in store
Locality: Central France
Sex: Mixed sexes available, some are large enough to sex
Adult Size: Ranges from 4-6 inches
Handleability: Best kept as display animals and should not be handled
Suitability: Beginners
Enclosure requirements
Can be kept in well ventilated terrariums with a deep substrate layer and a large water bowl, with plenty of leaf litter and cork flats.
Do not require additional heating and temperatures should not rise above 18c for long periods of time. Low UV exposure is beneficial.
Easy-to-keep amphibian that are a beautiful display animal.
Photos taken June 2024
Currently available off-site, please order online or message to arrange viewing in store
Locality: Central France
Sex: Mixed sexes available, some are large enough to sex
Adult Size: Ranges from 4-6 inches
Handleability: Best kept as display animals and should not be handled
Suitability: Beginners
Enclosure requirements
Can be kept in well ventilated terrariums with a deep substrate layer and a large water bowl, with plenty of leaf litter and cork flats.
Do not require additional heating and temperatures should not rise above 18c for long periods of time. Low UV exposure is beneficial.
Easy-to-keep amphibian that are a beautiful display animal.
Photos taken June 2024
Currently available off-site, please order online or message to arrange viewing in store
Locality: Central France
Sex: Mixed sexes available, some are large enough to sex
Adult Size: Ranges from 4-6 inches
Handleability: Best kept as display animals and should not be handled
Suitability: Beginners
Enclosure requirements
Can be kept in well ventilated terrariums with a deep substrate layer and a large water bowl, with plenty of leaf litter and cork flats.
Do not require additional heating and temperatures should not rise above 18c for long periods of time. Low UV exposure is beneficial.