Female Gold Dust Day Gecko For Sale


Gold Dust Day Geckos (Phelsuma laticauda) are a stunning, active species of gecko that make beautiful display species within a naturalistic enclosure! This female would make a great addition to a breeding project!

Currently available at our Iver Reptile Shop

Regenerated tip of tail

Photos taken July 2024, Updated September 2024

Age: CB Adult

Sex: Female

Handling: Display pet, should not be regularly handled

Suitability: Well-researched Beginner

Natural Habitat: Madagascar

Enclosure Requirements: A glass terrarium with lots of clutter and climbing opportunities, thermostatically controlled overhead heating, and UV lighting. This species does best in live-planted and bioactive enclosures.

Full setups available

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Gold Dust Day Geckos (Phelsuma laticauda) are a stunning, active species of gecko that make beautiful display species within a naturalistic enclosure! This female would make a great addition to a breeding project!

Currently available at our Iver Reptile Shop

Regenerated tip of tail

Photos taken July 2024, Updated September 2024

Age: CB Adult

Sex: Female

Handling: Display pet, should not be regularly handled

Suitability: Well-researched Beginner

Natural Habitat: Madagascar

Enclosure Requirements: A glass terrarium with lots of clutter and climbing opportunities, thermostatically controlled overhead heating, and UV lighting. This species does best in live-planted and bioactive enclosures.

Full setups available

Gold Dust Day Geckos (Phelsuma laticauda) are a stunning, active species of gecko that make beautiful display species within a naturalistic enclosure! This female would make a great addition to a breeding project!

Currently available at our Iver Reptile Shop

Regenerated tip of tail

Photos taken July 2024, Updated September 2024

Age: CB Adult

Sex: Female

Handling: Display pet, should not be regularly handled

Suitability: Well-researched Beginner

Natural Habitat: Madagascar

Enclosure Requirements: A glass terrarium with lots of clutter and climbing opportunities, thermostatically controlled overhead heating, and UV lighting. This species does best in live-planted and bioactive enclosures.

Full setups available

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